Model performance

Model performance monitors significant changes in the modelโ€™s output and provides feedback as compared to the expected trends.
Superwise offers you a number of Model performance policy templates:


Prediction shift

Using the prediction shift policy, you can observe the shift in the modelโ€™s predictions at the segment level.

distribution_shiftNumeric or categorical PredictionsAll Segments

Decision proportion

The decision proportion policy tracks whether the proportion of a specific decision is above a certain threshold (e.g., approval is below 10%) for Boolean types.

proportionBoolean PredictionsAll Segments

Label shift

The label shift policy tracks the shift in the model prediction at the segment level.

distribution_shiftNumeric or categorical LabelsAll Segments

Label proportion

The label proportion policy monitors what proportion of a specific decision is above a certain threshold (e.g., approval is below 10%) for Boolean types.

proportionBoolean LabelsAll Segments