
Superwise allows you to configure and set monitoring policies to automatically detect important issues that might impact your organization or teams. You can apply these policies using a pre-configured set of templates that reflect common monitoring use cases or build your policy with custom thresholds, conditions, and workflows.

Monitoring Policies

  • Drift : Make sure your data is not drifting 🌏
  • Data quality : Ensure the quality of your data 💎
  • Activity: Monitor the activity level of your model 🏃‍♀️
  • Model performance : track the performance of your model 🩺
  • Custom : Make your own monitoring policy 👷‍♂️

Configure the Monitoring policy via the console

You can add new policy in two ways:

  1. On the Models page, hover over the desired model and click Add monitoring policy
  1. On the model page go to Policies section

Then, press the Create new policy button.


Now, let's create a policy!

Configure the monitoring policy via the SDK

Before you configure a monitoring policy using the SDK, you need to install it.


Install the SDK

To install and get started with our SDK visit our SDK docs

To create a policy using the SDK, your first step is to create a new email notification channel.

from superwise import Superwise

sw = Superwise()

notification = sw.notification.create_email_notification(name="my_email",emaill="")

Now, you can use the SDK to retrieve all the policy templates available on the platform.

from superwise import Superwise

sw = Superwise()

notification = sw.notification.get('my_email')
all_templates = sw.policy.get_policy_templates()

After you find a template that meets your needs, you can add a policy based on that template:

from superwise import Superwise

sw = Superwise()
notification = sw.notification.get('my_email')
sw.policy.create_policy_from_template(model_id, 'Label shift', NotifyUpon.detection_and_resolution, notification,