Test Tool Connection

Test a tool connection.


For ToolConfigPostgres:

  • type: Literal type indication for Postgres tool (Postgres).
  • connection_string: Connection string for the Postgres database.

For ToolConfigMySQL:

  • type: Literal type indication for MySQL tool (MySQL).
  • connection_string: Connection string for the MySQL database.

For ToolConfigMSSQL:

  • type: Literal type indication for MSSQL tool (MSSQL).
  • connection_string: Connection string for the MSSQL database.

For ToolConfigOracle:

  • type: Literal type indication for Oracle tool (Oracle).
  • connection_string: Connection string for the Oracle database.

For ToolConfigBigQuery:

  • type: Literal type indication for BigQuery tool (BigQuery).
  • project_id: Project ID for BigQuery.
  • dataset_id: Dataset ID for BigQuery.
  • service_account: Service account information as a dictionary with keys and values as strings.

For ToolConfigPGVector:

  • type: Literal type indication for PG Vector tool (PGVector).
  • connection_string: Connection string for the PG Vector database.
  • table_name: Name of the table in the PG Vector database.
  • embedding_model: Configuration of the embedding model to be used.
    • provider: Provider of the embedding model (VertexAIModelGarden).
    • project_id: Project ID for Vertex AI.
    • endpoint_id: Endpoint ID for the model.
    • location: Location of the Vertex AI endpoint.
    • service_account: Service account information as a dictionary with keys and values as strings.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!